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The Link: Notorious Gang Leader Preaches Jesus, John Chau, Young Preachers on Mission Field & more

By December 10, 2018April 22nd, 2022The Link4 min read

“Notorious Gang Leader Now Preaches Jesus: ‘I’m a radical Soldier for God’”Fox News
“Rene “Level” Martinez spent most of his life in a notorious criminal gang but today he is preaching, teaching, and baptizing people on the streets for Jesus.”

“John Chau, Missions, and Spreading Disease: What Do We Really Know?”Christianity Today
“Following the attempt of missionary John Allen Chau to share the gospel with the Sentinelese, an uncontacted tribe located on the North Sentinal Island, there has been much talk about the health risk such an endeavor poses for the Sentinelese. Many are chiming in to the conversation, and it seems like everyone in the world is now a disease transmission expert.”

“Refute Palestinian Lies to Promote Mideast Peace”The Wall Street Journal
“This is far more than a game of semantics. If the land was Palestinian, then Israel could have stolen it. If the land isn’t Palestinian, then Israel couldn’t have stolen it. It’s critical that the U.S. actively combat the falsehood that Israel exists on stolen Palestinian land.”

“Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Christian Doctor Who Heals Rape Victims”Christianity Today
“A Christian gynecologist who has dedicated his career to caring for victims of rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been awarded a 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.”

“Episode 24 – Cooking Down the Sauce”Expositors Collective
“Pastor Ken Sutton speaks with Mike and Clay about his early years of Bible teaching and ‘preaching with training wheels’ and also gives a surprising reason why young preachers should consider going on the mission field. He highlights the difference between authenticity and a ‘preaching voice’ while in the pulpit and explains why he tells his congregation that he loves them at the end of every sermon.”

“Let’s Help Lauren Daigle Rather Than Condemn Her”The Stream
“We’ve seen this show before. A Christian recording artist or author becomes very popular, reaching beyond a typical Church audience and becoming popular in the larger world. He or she is then asked about homosexuality and fudges the answer. In turn, the Church quickly condemns him or her. Can we do better this time around?”

“Evangelism & Apologetics: Answering the Questioner”– A Clear Lens
“I have been chewing on a concept that has been slowly percolating in my mind for the last several years. Who knows exactly how it got there. Only the Lord knows. But, as I have been finding my steps in my walk with Christ, there are a couple of things that I have learned pertaining to evangelism and apologetics. One is that not everyone deserves an answer.”

“Science vs. Darwinism”– World Magazine
“‘Most scientists are blind to their own assumptions. They don’t even consider that there might be another explanation. For them, common descent is an automatic. It’s a given.’”

“‘You Guys Lost!’ Is Design a Closed Issue? – Part 2”
“In a personal letter, Darwin describes his gradual loss of religious belief and slide into naturalism. By the late 1830s, he writes, he had come to consider the idea of divine revelation in the Old Testament ‘utterly incredible.'”

The Link is a collection of content from around the web, discussing topics in culture, theology, ministry and current events. does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse pieces posted on The Link. By providing The Link, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.

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