The Anonymity Of Pastoral Work – Nate Holdridge
In this episode, Aaron is joined by guest Nate Holdridge to discuss the anonymity of pastoral work. While pastoral work may seem like a public…

The GoodLion PodcastFebruary 21, 2023
Healing From Covid Division – Terry Michaels
In this episode Aaron chats with pastor Terry Michaels, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Austin Texas, for a conversation about a wound that's been inflicted…

The GoodLion PodcastFebruary 4, 2023
True Repentance Requires A Broken Heart
As Christians, it is easy for us to come to God only when we want to escape the consequences of our sin, rather than coming…

The GoodLion PodcastJanuary 12, 2023
Crying Out To The Father – A study of God’s Fatherhood
The GoodLion Podcast is excited to bring you this special episode featuring a sermon from Aaron Salvato. Aaron recently preached at Calvary Chapel Vista on…

The GoodLion PodcastJanuary 6, 2023
To The Christian Who Has Lost Their Passion – Resist Apathy pt3
In this episode, Brian and Aaron respond to a message from a listener who admits her struggle with apathy and also shares some beautiful insight…

The GoodLion PodcastNovember 11, 2022
Cultivating Church Planters
Rob Salvato and Ted Leavenworth are joined by Nick Cady (Whitefields Community Church) and Bruce Zachary (Calvary Nexus) to discuss the new equipping resource from…

The GoodLion PodcastNovember 3, 2022
Wake Up To The Story – Resisting Apathy pt.1
Part one of a new series by GoodLion Ministries called "Resisting Apathy". Aaron and Brian speak into the problem of apathy in the Christian life,…

The GoodLion PodcastSeptember 13, 2022
How can the Bible and Jesus both be the “Word of God?”
Some people insist the Bible is the word of God. Still others insist, no Jesus is the Word of God. Where does the truth lie?…

The GoodLion PodcastSeptember 5, 2022
Mission Drift, Political Extremes, and Wisdom in the Negative World – Mike Doyle
To listen to the podcast, click below. In a cultural moment that is growing hostile towards the Church, it's becoming easier than ever for Christians…

The GoodLion PodcastAugust 3, 2022
Tim Keller, the War on Winsomeness, & Responding to the “Negative World.”
To listen to the podcast episode, click the player below. Aaron Salvato writes: “Many Christians now sense the world has shifted. While culture was once…

The GoodLion PodcastJuly 20, 2022
Abortion, Christians, & The Value of a Life (with Ryan Lynn) / Rebroadcast
Abortion is a hot button topic that is often debated by both Christians and non Christians. Ryan Lynn (Founder of the Speak Life Collective) is…

The GoodLion PodcastJune 25, 2022
Living In The Negative World
Throughout our lives many of us have heard older generations harken back to a time when Christians were accepted, praised, and embraced by the culture.…

The GoodLion PodcastJune 8, 2022
The Way of Jesus vs The Way of Peter – #FiresideTheology
Defensive violence, wounded Healers, and how radical enemy-love changes the world! So often as Christians we feel we must defend Jesus and lash out at…

The GoodLion PodcastJune 1, 2022