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From The Archives


The Case for Premillennialism

Premillennialism teaches that Jesus will physically return to the earth where He will reign for a literal one thousand year period. The major contrasting view…

Are the Dead Sea Scrolls Alive?

Dominick Hernández will be a workshop speaker at the 2017 CCCM Pastors & Leaders Conference on June 26-29. For more information, please visit the website.…

The “Good People” Myth

Protectionism is a word used to describe an economic policy of restraining trade between countries. It is a policy advocated by those who believe that…
The Post-Apostolic Myth
Christian Living
He Became Poor For Us (2 Corinthians 8:9)
An Excerpt from “Images & Idols: Creativity for the Christian Life”
History & Holidays
A Christian Perspective on Purim
Pitfalls of Dispensationalism
Assessing Strange Fire

The Link: MLK, The Gospel and 2020, Flesh vs Spirit & More!

"Martin Luther King and His Partner in the Cause"– Desiring God"Behind a microphone and standing in front of a crowd, Martin Luther King Jr.’s gifts…

A Response To Jordan Peterson from a Protestant Christian Pastor

Editor's note: this article was written by Pastor Miles DeBenedictus as a response to a recent speech recorded by psychologist, professor, and public figure Jordan…

Faith & Politics: A Historical Christian Perspective – Part 1

Introduction This article is based on the positive response that has come out of our men’s group, month-long “faith and politics” series at our church.…
Christian Living
CGN Shelter In Place Resource List
The Link: Aaron Campbell Conversation, Preach in Biblical Fullness, God’s Plan for the Ages & More
Thoughts on the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church Shooting
The Link: Essential Church, Tim Keller on Racism, CGN Church Relief Fund & More
Ministering in Ukraine During the War: How God is Working & How to Pray
Avoiding the Trap of Conspiracy Theory Christianity

6 Reasons Why I Believe Jesus is God

There is much debate about who Jesus is. Some believe he was a good man or a great prophet. Others claim he was an angel…

Injustice, Deconstruction, & El Roi

In the 2001 cult classic Zoolander, Will Farrell plays Mugatu, the movie’s antagonist. This evil villain of the fashion world, who intends to use male…

A Box with a Lid: The Shared Fate of John Chrysostom and the Gospel

This article was supposed to be about John Chrysostom and the historical roots of expositional preaching. It is not. It did not take me long…
A Secured Tomb Couldn’t Stop the Resurrected Christ
Despising the Shame
The King’s Crown
Preaching the Gospel (to Myself)
Returning to the Gospel on Reformation Day
The Death of God
Ministry & Leadership

Stop! Drop! And Listen!: Practical Tools for Effective Communication

The election season is not the best for human relations on social media. As people think through the issues, sometimes they voice opinions like ultimate…
Ministry & Leadership

Three Ideas About Serving as Worship

To serve or to be served? That is the question. The very idea of being a slave or a servant is offensive to my flesh.…

Stetzer Leadership Podcast

Ed Stetzer of Christianity Today has a new podcast available titled Stetzer Leadership Podcast. In this first season, Stetzer talks with various leaders about the…
Ministry & Leadership
Exposing The Word Or Imposing Upon The Word? – Riley Taylor & Mike Neglia
Ministry & Leadership
The Moses Model
Giving Tuesday!
Ministry & Leadership
Every Sermon Should Have A Purpose And A Point
Ministry & Leadership
4 Words that Will Transform Your Church
Ministry & Leadership
Three Points on Successful Pastoral Transition

Experiencing an Insurrection of Kindness in Your Ministry

Even though I know it comes every year, I find that winter sneaks up on me. Often it’s the holiday season that distracts me. Life…

Augustine & Disordered Loves

Originally published on Nick’s blog on April 11, 2019. At age 19, Augustine Aurelius—later to be known as Augustine of Hippo—read a dialogue by the…

Kay Smith — Woman of Influence

Kathy Gilbert has been involved with the Calvary Chapel movement for over 50 years. Having attended Woodstock in 1969 and identifying as an "Earth Mother,"…
Bridging the Generational Gap in Our Churches
Communion Is a Family Affair
The Cure to Stop Feeling Guilty
A Life Rearranged: An Important Lesson Learned in Nicaragua
Four Reasons to Love God and Your Neighbor
4 Keys to Triumph in Trials
Christian Living

When Everything Falls Into Disorder

While Evangelical Progressives applaud recent cultural changes, those of the Conservative branch are concerned as traditional values are thrown over in favor of the Moral…
Christian Living

Harriet Tubman: Women Worth Knowing

Harriet Tubman (1820?-1913): Known as the “Moses” of her people, Harriet Tubman was the most famous and most influential “conductor” on the Underground Railroad in…
Christian Living

“Sinner” is No Longer Your True Identity

At the beginning of every year, every season of life, or every day, we can say, "We have not been this way before." A new…
Christian Living
How to Absorb That Blow of Criticism
Christian Living
A Dangerous Liturgy: How Pornography Deforms Us
Christian Living
Don’t Quit
New Podcast from CGN and Jeff Gipe: ISMS That Cause SCHISMS
Christian Living
Women Worth Knowing: New Podcast by Cheryl Brodersen
Christian Living
Proclaim Grace, Extend Grace and Fight for Grace