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Advent: The Son

Part 2 of 3 * This article is adapted from a series of papers written for Western Seminary. Continuing this three-part celebration of Advent, this…

Marriage by Design: Understanding the Bible’s Perspective on Homosexuality

Issues related to homosexuality have become primary in the conversation and witness of the Christian church. Countless books, debates, and even denominational factions have sprung…

7 Reasons Jesus Couldn’t Stay Dead

The Bible tells us that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead on the Sunday after Passover. The risen Jesus met with and spoke with…
Should Christians Divide Over End Times Prophecy?
FB Live Talk on Creativity & Theology
Christian Living
Memento Mori: Death Inspiring Life
We will Not Die Before Our Time
Does God Punish The World With Pandemics & Natural Disasters? Part 2 Miniseries
Reformation Day: Live Session with David Guzik

The Link: Michael Behe on COVID-19, CGN – Leading During Covid-19, Help During the Exodus to Online & More

"Michael Behe on COVID-19, Chloroquine, Malaria and the Edge of Evolution"– Discovery Institute"On this episode of ID the Future, biochemist Michael Behe and host Andrew…

Is the Church a Victim of Success, Deconstruction Stories, the Gospel in All Scripture & More

"Is the Church a Victim of Success? The WEIRD Truth"– The Gospel Coalition"Review: ‘The WEIRDest People in the World’ by Joseph Henrich and ‘Fertility and…

Mayor of a One-Horse Town

What is more exhilarating for a pastor than to see the Spirit move in people's lives? This is what we dream of, pray for and…
The War on Beth Moore: What Really Shapes Our View of Women Bible Teachers?
Social Distancing: Staying Apart, But Staying Connected
The Link: Essential Church, Tim Keller on Racism, CGN Church Relief Fund & More
The Link: Conference Archives, the Gospel of Caesar, Scientific Authoritarianism & More
Warnings About Progressive Christianity (Repost from Can I Say That?)
Marty Sampson And The Frailty Of False Faith

Thoughts on The Power of the Gospel

2018 CGN Pastors & Leaders Conference Archives Though I’ve been a Calvary Chapel pastor for nearly five years, this year will be my first time…

Easter: Further Meditations for This Weekend

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to…

Unity Requires Conversation

A conversation with the right person at the right time can change everything. The other day I walked out of an interview gone wrong. Reeling…
Despising the Shame
Practice Resurrection
Peace on Earth
The Bible is About Jesus
From Pastors to Podcasts
A Secured Tomb Couldn’t Stop the Resurrected Christ
Ministry & Leadership

Eight Reasons Why We Need Shepherds

On a recent flight, I watched the rebrand of the movie, The Magnificent Seven. Without throwing out spoilers, the movie is a western about a…
Ministry & Leadership

10 Easter Tips for Pastors

My first Easter as pastor of Calvary Monterey, I preached from John 20, and someone put some flowers in front of the pulpit—and that was…

Lessons in Leadership Part 1: Who is in Charge of Your Church?

All of us who occupy a pastoral leadership position in a church, will at some point in time be faced with a very critical question:…
Ministry & Leadership
Defining the Role of Marriage as a Pastor
Ministry & Leadership
The Need to Re:Engage in Church Planting
Ministry & Leadership
The Value of Church Planting Networks | Benji Horing & Casey Kendell
Weak Men Weak Excuses
Ministry & Leadership
The Anonymity Of Pastoral Work
Ministry & Leadership
Church Planting in Another Country.

Are You a Missionary?

My wife Lynne and I went onto the mission field when were young. We left America in our early twenties and spent ten years in…

How Vigilant Are You with the Company You Keep?

There comes a point in time for every one of us where we need to make the painful choice to separate ourselves from hurtful people.…

Embracing Obscurity

Can you name the twelve Apostles? Go ahead, give it a try! No, Mark and Luke don’t count. Certainly, you named Peter, James and John,…
Christian Living
The Power and Role of Just One Color—Part 2
The Way We Repent
Tonic Masculinity (Titus 2:2)
Wake Up To The Story – Resisting Apathy pt.1
Five Points on Our Need for Community
Mary Magdelene’s Perspective on Christ’s Resurrection
Christian Living

Jennie Mitchell: Women Worth Knowing

Jennie Mitchell (1885-1978): Today we will be looking at one of Pastor Chuck Smith’s favorite speakers, leaders, and visionaries. She was a frequent speaker at…
Christian Living

The Joy of Self-Forgetfulness

Tim Keller once said, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less." Self-forgetfulness is the key to living a happy life.…
Christian Living

A Father’s Legacy

Sometimes parenting feels like the most wonderful duty in the world, sometimes it feels like the worst. The Bible is filled with stories of success…
Christian Living
Vulnerability, Failure, and Walking On Water
Christian Living
Uncertainty Opens the Door for Faith
Christian Living
Vincent under the Starry Night of His Calling
Christian Living
When God Has Another Plan
Christian Living
The Power of God’s Word
Christian Living
Thick Skin, Soft Heart