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The Errancy of Misinterpreting the Inerrancy of the Bible

One of the most important doctrines of the Christian faith is the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture.This doctrine asserts that the Scriptures, in their…

Sola Scriptura: Biblical Authority And The People Of God

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on June 21, 2017 and is part one of a five-part series. Introduction to the Five Solas The…

Deconstructing Deconstructionist TikTok Videos – Part 1

If you’ve been anywhere near Christian social media circles, you’ve most likely heard about “deconstruction.” To “deconstruct” something is to seek to take something apart…
Christian Living
Advent: Jesus Our Salvation
Reformation Day: Live Session with David Guzik
Advent: The Father
Christian Living
The Difference Between Imitating and Mimicking and Why It’s Important
Christian Living
Hannah, Sarah, and Hagar: A Brief Study in Character Analogy
A Study in the Book of Hebrews: The Centrality of Jesus

The Link: 09.03.2019

"A Successful Pastoral Transition, And Beyond- Pastor Bill Walden"– Poimen Ministries"Our vision is to strengthen senior or lead pastors. We believe as we do this…

The Link: The Kalam Cosmological Argument, Sexual Schismatics, Missions Conference 2020 and more!

"The Kalam Cosmological Argument Defended In A Peer-Reviewed Science Journal"– Wintery Knight"Unless we are to assert that the universe simply sprang into being uncaused out…

The Link: Missions Conference Archives, White Privilege, Australian Fires & More

Enjoy the archives form the 2020 Calvary Chapel Global Missions Conference!This past week, the 2020 Missions Conference kicked off, as many gathered to discuss the…
The Age of the Refugee: How Displaced Millions & the Hope of God are Changing the World
Honeymooning at Auschwitz: 4 Reasons I’m Glad I did
Nick Foles’ Example of Understanding Our Deepest Purpose Part 2
Christ in Yom Kippur Part 1
Hope for America, Stop Praying for Stuff, Five Keys to Effective Preaching & More
The Link: The Bible Project, Brexit, Reality of Heaven & More

Isaiah 41: Easter and the World

As Easter approaches, it makes me consider the way people think about Jesus in the world I live in. I live in Cork, Ireland. Ireland…

Preaching the Gospel (to Myself)

Over and over again, I discover how easy it is to say the right things, yet how often I must be reminded to live them.…

The King’s Crown

Good Friday is the day on which some 2,000 years ago Jesus of Nazareth was nailed to a Roman cross just outside the walls of…
Injustice, Deconstruction, & El Roi
The Church & Victims of Depression
Don’t Underestimate the Power of the Gospel
Proclaiming the Gospel According to Charles Spurgeon
Why Reaching the Lost Should Cost Us Everything
What Jesus Taught on the Way to Gethsemane

How to Respond to Distraction as a Pastoral Leader

This is a message to pastors and those involved in church leadership, but I believe it is relevant to us all! We experienced a new…

Declaring His Glory Among the Nations: How Are We Doing? Part 1

According to Acts 1:3, from resurrection Sunday until He ascended to heaven, Jesus spent a total of 40 days with the apostles and disciples. Although…
Ministry & Leadership

Eight Reasons Why We Need Shepherds

On a recent flight, I watched the rebrand of the movie, The Magnificent Seven. Without throwing out spoilers, the movie is a western about a…
Ministry & Leadership
What Does It Mean to Teach “the Whole Counsel of God”?
Ministry & Leadership
The Need to Re:Engage in Church Planting
Ministry & Leadership
Navigating Through Church Splits | Tony Clark
Women’s Bible Study, Where Are You?
Ministry & Leadership
Women in Ministry: What CGN Churches Believe
Ministry & Leadership
Exposing The Word Or Imposing Upon The Word? – Riley Taylor & Mike Neglia

How to Win in Spiritual Warfare

The TrialsWhen we think of spiritual warfare, we think of trials. But getting rid of trials is not the victory. The true victory consists of…

Does Love-Fueled Ministry Exist?

My start in ministry was unexpected. I'm the son of a church-planting pastor. My childhood memories consist of awkward church people, financial struggles and a…

Generational Sin?

Have you ever heard a sermon on the devastation caused by “genera­tional sin”? Preachers base their frightening comments on texts like Exodus 20:5: “I, the…
The Wiles of the Devil: Fear
Communion Is a Family Affair
The Saturday Before the Dawn of Hope
Why Does God Make Us Wait?
Christian Living
Overcoming Obstacles to Having Daily Devotions
The What and Why of Discipleship
Christian Living

I Don’t Need You

It was time to make lunch, and a happy two-year-old stood on the stool beside me at the kitchen counter, gibbering away. “What’s this?” he…
Christian Living

Do You Carry Burdens Like Cats Wear Clothes?

Have you ever put clothing on a cat? In my super important research for this article I found it necessary to search YouTube with the…
Christian Living

Give the Problem to God & Watch Him Work

Life can be hard, harder than hard at times. There are those moments in all of our lives when we think the difficulty is so…
Christian Living
Want To Be A Good Witness? Do Your Job Well.
Christian Living
What is the Lord Building in Your Life Right Now?
Christian Living
Three Principles to Conquer Giant Problems
Christian Living
The Power of Spiritually Healthy Habits
Christian Living
Making Sense of the Unfathomable
Christian Living
Are You Praying with Honesty?